Competent analysis and reliable planning
The basic and detail engineering defines the execution and substantiates the specifications made in the concept in two different levels of detail. In basic engineering, the process engineering specifications from the conceptual design are checked and the essential technical principles are defined. Technical solutions are developed that meet all customer requirements and the requirements of authorities and regulations. And the focus must always remain on the economic feasibility of the project throughout the planning phase. Detailed engineering serves to further refine the basic engineering in order to ensure that the subsequent construction measures run smoothly. All disciplines of planning – process engineering, construction, electrical engineering, automation and project management – are brought together and interlinked here in a final and detailed manner. If necessary, external trades such as architects, assembly supervisors and programmers are integrated into the planning at this point in order to be able to utilize the widest possible range of expertise. In all planning work, the focus is on leading the project to success as effectively, quickly and to a high standard of quality as possible.
“From concept to execution. From the idea to the implementation stage. Shaping and accompanying a project, leading a team and jointly seeking and establishing solutions is an intensive, busy and important link between conceptualization and realization.” Dr. Christian Kaiser